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How to solve the problem of white spot in aluminum coil

  • 2019-12-03
  • 1408

To solve the problem of white spot on aluminum roll is one of the most popular materials in the market. To solve the problem of long white spot on aluminum roll, the first step is to start with the preservation environment of aluminum roll, and the humid environment is one of the environments where mould is produced. If the surface of aluminum plate and coil is contaminated with these substances, it will absorb the moisture in the air and make the surface of the coil mildewed.

Attention to the chemical principle of white spot in aluminum coil treatment: it is not allowed to use refining and modifying slag remover containing sodium salt or magnesium salt. It is required to use refining and modifying agent of NaF composition or N2 gas refining. It is not allowed to use the release agent containing plant fiber and the cutting fluid containing plant fiber. It should be replaced with oil-based antirust cutting fluid.

Aluminum coil cannot be exposed to the sun for a long time, which will cause dust accumulation. Aluminum coil shall not be placed in humid air and shall be allowed to dry as much as possible.



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